Aislyn Chronicles: Asin Encounter Part 1

April 08, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments

The sun was beginning to set, casting shadows over the river, and blanketing the buildings of Wichita with darkness. Most people would think it was a pretty scene, but not me. I knew better. I know what hid in the shadows of this city.

My current mark was an Asin.

Wichita had never had one take up residence, at least not that I knew of. Dinas records might show otherwise, but I had no way of looking that up now. I had been an agent with them for five years, doing the dirty work of keeping 'what goes bump in the night' from the unknowing citizens of the city. It wasn't easy work. Especially when you were the sole liaison between Dinas and 5,000 antisocial shapeshifters. But that was another story completely.

I was just starting to walk the paths of the Nature Center when I heard it. The soft soprano of a woman singing. The song had a sad cadence to it, almost like something sung when trying to console oneself after a great loss. It was a very clever lure for her prey.

I wracked my brain for information.

"She's a cannibal", I muttered softly, "From Alsea tribe legends. Sings to lure children into the forest."

Of course, once she had them, she ate them. That wasn't exactly the ideal outcome...


Words: 224
Characters: 1216

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